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Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 81(4): 522-530, dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389801


Introducción: La cirugía endoscópica nasal (CEN) corresponde a una técnica quirúrgica mínimamente invasiva. Ha disminuido la morbimortalidad secundaria al acto quirúrgico. Pese a esto, no está exenta de riesgos y sus complicaciones pueden variar en severidad desde leves hasta catastróficas, siendo la hemorragia nasal la más frecuente. Objetivo: Analizar las complicaciones intraoperatorias, factores asociados a complicaciones y manejo en nuestra realidad local. Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo, revisión de protocolos operatorios de pacientes atendidos en el Hospital del Salvador entre los años 2009 y 2019. Resultados: Se revisaron 602 cirugías de las cuales se excluyeron 18. De un total de 584 CEN realizadas durante los últimos diez años, la incidencia de complicaciones intraoperatorias fue de 3,3%. Sólo se observaron complicaciones hemorrágicas (2%) y orbitarias (1,2%). La incidencia de complicaciones mayores fue 0,51%. La única variable asociada de forma significativa con la presencia de complicación intraoperatoria fue el tiempo quirúrgico. Conclusión: Como centro presentamos una tasa de complicaciones intraoperatorias de CEN baja en los últimos diez años, dentro de las cuales las más frecuentes son las hemorrágicas y las orbitarias; comparables con la literatura internacional. Se establece el primer reporte a nivel nacional sobre las complicaciones intraoperatorias de CEN.

Introduction: Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) is a minimally invasive surgical technique. It has decreased morbidity and mortality secondary to the surgical act. Despite this, endoscopic sinus surgery is not a risk-free procedure and its complications can range from mild to severe, with nosebleed being the most frequent. Aim: To analyze the surgical results of nasal endoscopic surgery, with its intraoperative complications and management in our local reality. Material and Method: Retrospective study, review of operative protocols of patients attended at the Salvador Hospital between 2009 and 2019. Results: 602 surgeries were reviewed, of which 18 were excluded. Of a total of 584 ESS performed during the last ten years, the incidence of intraoperative complications was 3,3%. Only hemorrhagic (2%) and orbital complications (1,2%) were observed. The incidence of major complications was 0,51%. The only variable significantly associated with the presence of intraoperative complications was surgical time. Conclusion: As a center, we present a low rate of intraoperative complications of ESS in the last ten years, among which the most frequent are hemorrhagic and orbital; comparable to international literature. The first national report on intraoperative complications of ESS is established.

Humans , Paranasal Sinuses/surgery , Endoscopy/adverse effects , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control , Retrospective Studies
Prensa méd. argent ; 107(7): 353-359, 20210000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1358932


Se analiza una de las complicaciones de la lipoaspiración abdominal: la perforación intestinal intra-operatoria por la cánula (instrumental). Se describe la relación entre la cánula, la pared abdominal y el intestino delgado: los tres componentes de esta complicación. Se detallaron las características de las cánulas generalmente empleadas y la técnica quirúrgica de la lipoaspiración abdominal, así como el cuadro clínico ocasionado y cómo tratarlo

One of the complications of abdominal liposuction is analyzed: intra-operative intestinal perforation by the cannula (instrumental). The relationship between the cannula, the abdominal wall and the small intestine is described: the three components of this complication. The characteristics of the cannulas generally used and the surgical technique of abdominal liposuction were detailed, as well as the clinical picture caused and how to treat it.

Humans , Lipectomy/methods , Medical Errors , Abdominal Wall/pathology , Cannula/adverse effects , Intestinal Perforation/prevention & control , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control
Rev. chil. anest ; 50(5): 731-739, 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533048


Diabetes is the most common endocrinopathy, in 2014, 8.6% of the population suffered from diabetes, and it was responsible for at least 3.7 million deaths per year. It is estimated that by that by 2050 more than 30% of the population will have this disease. In cardiovascular surgery, it is described that 5.2% of patients are undiagnosed diabetics and this rises to 10% -28% in non-cardiac surgeries. The adverse results are markedly high in those patients with poor glycemic control including an increase of more than 50% in mortality, as well as an increase in respiratory infections, surgical site infection, urinary infection, heart attack and acute kidney injury among others. During the preoperative period of patients with diabetes, it is important to review glycemic control and its current treatment, in addition to providing the patient instructions on how to adjust medications. Intraoperatively, any condition that leads to an uncontrolled increase in surgical stress must be controlled, since this in turn generates hyperglycemia. Knowledge of insulins, their pharmacology and schedules is essential to maintain blood glucose intraoperatively in normal ranges. Different practical algorithms are proposed for the correct and safe management of hyperglycemia in the perioperative period. All care should be continued in the postoperative period defining the continuity of the insulin therapies established and the postoperative care of the patient.

La diabetes es la endocrinopatía más común, en 2014, el 8,6% de la población padecía diabetes siendo responsable de 3,7 millones de muertes por año. Se estima que para el 2050 más del 30% de la población tendrá diabetes. En cirugía cardiovascular el 5,2% de los pacientes son diabéticos no diagnosticados, cifra que aumenta hasta 10%-28% en cirugías no cardíacas. Los resultados adversos son marcadamente elevados en aquellos pacientes con mal control incluyendo un aumento del 50% en la mortalidad, así mismo, incremento de infecciones respiratorias, infección del sitio quirúrgico, infección urinaria, infarto agudo de miocardio y lesión renal aguda, entre otros. Durante el preoperatorio de pacientes con diabetes, es importante revisar el control glucémico y su tratamiento, además de proporcionar al paciente instrucciones por escrito sobre cómo ajustarlo. En el intraoperatorio se debe controlar cualquier condición que lleve a un aumento del estrés quirúrgico pues este a su vez genera hiperglucemia. Es fundamental el conocimiento de las insulinas, su farmacología y esquemas para mantener glucemias en el intraoperatorio en rangos normales. Se proponen diferentes algoritmos prácticos para el correcto y seguro manejo de la hiperglucemia en el perioperatorio. La atención debe continuarse en el posoperatorio definiendo continuidad de terapias insulínicas instauradas y el adecuado cuidado del paciente.

Humans , Preoperative Care , Diabetes Complications/prevention & control , Glycemic Control , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Mass Screening , Diabetes Mellitus/diagnosis , Hyperglycemia/prevention & control , Hypoglycemia/prevention & control , Hypoglycemic Agents/administration & dosage , Insulin/administration & dosage , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 29: e3493, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1347606


Objective: to evaluate evidence on effectiveness support surfaces for pressure injury prevention in the intraoperative period. Method: systematic review. The search for primary studies was conducted in seven databases. The sample consisted of 10 studies. The synthesis of the results was carried out descriptively and through meta-analysis. Results: when comparing low-tech support surfaces with regular care (standard surgical table mattress), the meta-analysis showed that there is no statistically significant difference between the investigated interventions (Relative Risk = 0.88; 95%CI: 0.30-2.39). The Higgins inconsistency test indicated considerable heterogeneity between studies (I2 = 83%). The assessment of the certainty of the evidence was very low. When comparing high-tech and low-tech support surfaces, the meta-analysis showed that there is a statistically significant difference between the interventions studied, with high-tech being the most effective (Relative Risk = 0.17; 95%CI: 0.05-0.53). Heterogeneity can be classified as not important (I2 = 0%). The assessment of certainty of evidence was moderate. Conclusion: the use of high-tech support surfaces is an effective measure to prevent pressure injuries in the intraoperative period.

Objetivo: evaluar las evidencias sobre superficies de apoyo efectivas para la prevención de lesión por presión durante el período intraoperatorio. Método: revisión sistemática. La búsqueda de estudios primarios se realizó en siete bases de datos. La muestra estuvo formada por 10 investigaciones. La síntesis de los resultados se realizó de forma descriptiva y mediante metaanálisis. Resultados: al comparar las superficies de apoyo de baja tecnología con la atención habitual (colchón de mesa quirúrgica estándar), el metaanálisis demostró que no hay diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las intervenciones investigadas (Riesgo Relativo = 0,88; IC95%: 0,30-2,39). La prueba de inconsistencia de Higgins indicó una heterogeneidad considerable entre los estudios (I2= 83%). La valoración de la certeza de la evidencia fue muy baja. Al comparar las superficies de apoyo de alta y baja tecnología, el metaanálisis mostró que existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las intervenciones estudiadas, siendo las de alta tecnología las más efectivas (Riesgo Relativo = 0,17; IC95%: 0,05-0,53). La heterogeneidad se puede clasificar como no importante (I2 = 0%). La evaluación de la certeza de la evidencia fue moderada. Conclusión: el uso de una superficie de apoyo de alta tecnología es una medida eficaz para prevenir lesiones por presión en el período intraoperatorio.

Objetivo: avaliar as evidências sobre superfícies de suporte efetivas para prevenção de lesão por pressão no período intraoperatório. Método: revisão sistemática. A busca dos estudos primários foi conduzida em sete bases de dados. A amostra foi composta por 10 pesquisas. A síntese dos resultados foi realizada na forma descritiva e por meio de metanálise. Resultados: na comparação de superfícies de suporte de baixa tecnologia com o cuidado usual (colchão padrão de mesa cirúrgica), a metanálise demonstrou que não existe diferença estatisticamente significante entre as intervenções investigadas (Risco Relativo = 0,88; IC95%: 0,30-2,39). O teste de inconsistência de Higgins indicou heterogeneidade considerável entre os estudos (I2 = 83%). A avaliação da certeza da evidência foi muito baixa. Na comparação de superfícies de suporte de alta tecnologia com as de baixa tecnologia, a metanálise evidenciou que existe diferença estatisticamente significante entre as intervenções estudadas, sendo as de alta tecnologia as mais efetivas (Risco Relativo = 0,17; IC95%: 0,05-0,53). A heterogeneidade pode ser classificada como não importante (I2 = 0%). A avaliação da certeza da evidência foi moderada. Conclusão: o uso de superfície de suporte de alta tecnologia é a medida efetiva para prevenção de lesão por pressão no período intraoperatório.

Humans , Beds , Wounds and Injuries , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control
Rev. chil. anest ; 49(6): 836-849, 2020. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512251


Clinical evaluation remains one of the main issues while considering anesthetic and surgical risk. Different scores for cardiac evaluation in non-cardiac surgery are traditionally based on the exclusion of active cardiac conditions, the risk of surgery, the functional capacity of the patient and the presence of specific cardiac risk factors. In recent decades, new guidelines incorporate an association between cardiac biomarkers and adverse cardiac events. For the management of coronary patients receiving double antiplatelet therapy, derived for non-cardiac surgery, the risk of stent thrombosis, the consequences of delaying the surgical procedure and the risk of bleeding must be considered. At this moment, there is no evidence regarding which is the best anesthetic management that decreased peri-operative cardiovascular complications in this group of patients. This article refers to the differences in preoperative assessment for non-cardiac surgery incorporated in the guidelines of the American College of Cardiology, the American Heart Association, the European Society of Cardiology and the Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Consideration are also given to the management of coronary patients on double antiplatelet therapy and its main complications as well as intraoperative management maneuvers that may decrease cardiovascular complications.

La valoración clínica sigue siendo uno de los pilares fundamentales en la evaluación del riesgo anestésico-quirúrgico. Los scores de riesgo para la evaluación cardiovascular y cirugía no cardíaca se basan tradicionalmente en la exclusión de condiciones cardíacas activas, la determinación del riesgo de cirugía, la capacidad funcional del paciente y la presencia de factores de riesgo cardíaco. En las últimas décadas, nuevas guías incorporan una asociación entre los biomarcadores cardiacos y los eventos cardiacos adversos. Para el manejo de pacientes coronarios en tratamiento antiagregante doble, derivados a cirugía no cardiaca, hay que considerar el riesgo de trombosis del stent, las consecuencias de retrasar el procedimiento quirúrgico y el aumento del riesgo de hemorragia. Hasta la fecha no existe evidencia acerca de cuál es el mejor manejo anestésico que disminuya las complicaciones cardiovasculares perioperatorias en este grupo de pacientes. Este artículo, hace referencia a las diferencias de la valoración preoperatoria para cirugía no cardiaca incorporados en las guías del American College of Cardiology, la American Heart Association, la European Society of Cardiology y la Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Algunas consideraciones acerca del manejo de pacientes coronarios, terapia antiplaquetaria dual y eventuales complicaciones. Se incluyen algunas estrategias farmacológicas, así como consideraciones específicas para el perioperatorio, con el fin de reducir morbilidad de origen cardiovascular.

Humans , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Cardiovascular Diseases/diagnosis , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control , Anesthesia , Myocardial Infarction/diagnosis , Preoperative Care , Biomarkers , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Risk Assessment , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Myocardial Infarction/prevention & control
Rev. chil. anest ; 49(4): 521-527, 2020. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511712


INTRODUCTION: Echocardiography represents one of the most important advances in the monitoring of critical patients. Initially available only in cardiovascular surgery, currently, there is transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and transthoracic echocardiography (ETT) in non-cardiac surgery, for anesthesiologists. The advantages of ETT is a non-invasive tool, of lower cost than the transesophageal transducer and therefore more feasible to be overcrowded and available in the pavilion. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of TTE in patients with hemodynamic compromise during non-cardiac surgery. NATERIAL AND METHODS: In a prospective manner between April 2016 and September 2018, patients were studied who during their intraoperative period presented a compromise of their hemodynamic state, defined as an average blood pressure under 55 mm Hg, for more than 3 minutes and without response to the usual therapy based on vasopressors and volume. Each of these patients had a prospective protocol for focused ETT looking for the cause of this disorder, by a duly trained operator. RESULTS: 124 patients, with an average age of 67 years (range 42 to 93 years) were evaluated. In all cases, at least one echocardiographic window was obtained that allowed a diagnosis to be made and/or to guide the therapy. The main causes of hemodynamic compromise were hypovolemia (52%), poor left ventricular function (21%) and other causes such as pericardial effusion, suspected pulmonary thromboembolism, pulmonary pathology and suspected myocardial ischemia. DISCUSSION: The ETT could be a feasible tool to use in acute hemodynamic events, since it offers good quality windows that allow new decisions based on the diagnosis and also allows to guide the selected therapies. In addition, it has been shown to positively impact clinical behaviors in the perioperative period. ETT is a non-invasive monitor, reasonably easy to learn to use; In addition to directly visualizing cardiac structures, it allows differential diagnoses of the causes of intraoperative hypotension. The therapies can also be decided according to the echocardiographic images and control how they generate changes in the cardiac cavities and in the hemodynamic state of the patient.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La ecocardiografía representa uno de los más importantes avances en la monitorización de pacientes críticos. Inicialmente disponible sólo en cirugía cardiovascular, en la actualidad, se cuenta con ecocardiografía transesofágica (ETE) y ecocardiografía transtorácica (ETT) en cirugía no cardíaca, para los anestesiólogos. Las ventajas del ETT están en ser una herramienta no invasiva, de menor costo que el transductor transesofágico y, por lo tanto, más factible de ser masificada y estar disponible en pabellón. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la utilidad de ETT en pacientes con compromiso hemodinámico durante cirugía no cardiaca. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: En forma prospectiva entre abril de 2016 y septiembre del 2018, se estudiaron enfermos que durante su intraoperatorio presentaron compromiso de su estado hemodinámico, definido como una presión arterial media bajo 55 mm Hg, por más de 3 minutos y sin respuesta a la terapia habitual basada en vasopresores y volumen. A cada uno de estos enfermos se le realizó un protocolo prospectivo de ETT focalizado buscando la causa de esta alteración, por un operador debidamente entrenado. RESULTADOS: 124 pacientes, con edad promedio de 67 años (rango 42 a 93 años) fueron evaluados. En todos los casos se obtuvo al menos una ventana ecocardiográfica que permitió realizar un diagnóstico y/o guiar la terapia. Las principales causas de compromiso hemodinámico fueron hipovolemia (52%), mala función del ventrículo izquierdo (21%) y otras causas como derrame pericárdico, sospecha de tromboembolismo pulmonar, patología pulmonar y sospecha de isquemia miocárdica. La ETT podría ser una herramienta factible de utilizar en eventos hemodinámicos agudos, ya que ofrece ventanas de buena calidad que permiten tomar decisiones nuevas basadas en el diagnóstico y, además, permite guiar las terapias seleccionadas. Además, ha mostrado impactar de forma positiva las conductas clínicas en el perioperatorio. DISCUSIÓN: La ETT es un monitor no invasivo, razonablemente fácil de aprender a utilizar que además de visualizar de manera directa las estructuras cardíacas, permite realizar diagnósticos diferenciales de las causas de hipotensión intraoperatoria. Además, se puede decidir las terapias de acuerdo a las imágenes ecocardiográficas y controlar cómo éstas generan cambios en las cavidades cardíacas y en el estado hemodinámico del paciente.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Echocardiography/methods , Hemodynamic Monitoring/methods , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Prospective Studies , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/diagnostic imaging , Hypovolemia/diagnostic imaging , Emergencies , Intraoperative Care , Anesthetics/administration & dosage
Rev. chil. anest ; 49(6): 893-903, 2020. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512353


Opioid free anesthesia (OFA) is defined as an anesthesiologic technique where opioids are not used in the intraoperative and postoperative period. Although the mainstay of intra-operative analgesia may be opioids, current challenges are focus on reducing them and preventing the adverse effects of opioids, by rationalizing and even suspending their perioperative use, specifically at risk populations such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAHS), obesity, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and cancer surgery. We present this case of OFA in a susceptible patient with complications from the use of opioids undergoing an extended right hemicolectomy. Multimodal analgesia was performed with a thoracic peridural and subanesthetic doses of intravenous agents including dexmedetomidine, ketamine and propofol, accompanied by short and long-lasting local periglotic anesthetics. The patient had given an intraand postoperative analgesia without presenting any adverse events, good recovery, early deambulation and extubation.

La anestesia libre de opioides (OFA) es una técnica anestésica donde no hay administración de opioides, tanto en el intraoperatorio como en el postoperatorio. Aunque una de las bases de la analgesia intraoperatoria podrían ser los opioides, los desafíos actuales están enfocados en reducir su uso perioperatorio, previniendo sus efectos adversos, racionalizando y limitando su empleo específicamente en poblaciones de riesgo como síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño (SAHOS), obesidad, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) y cirugía oncológica. Presentamos este caso de OFA en un paciente susceptible de complicaciones por uso de opioides sometido a una hemicolectomía derecha extendida. Se realizó analgesia multimodal con peridural torácica y dosis subanestésicas de agentes endovenosos como dexmedetomidina, ketamina y propofol, acompañado de anestésicos locales periglóticos de corta y larga duración. Se otorgó una adecuada analgesia intra y postoperatoria, el paciente no tuvo eventos adversos, presentando una buena recuperación, deambulación y extubación precoz.

Humans , Aged, 80 and over , Colectomy/methods , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Anesthesia/methods , Anesthetics/administration & dosage , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive , Analgesics, Opioid/adverse effects , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control , Obesity
Rev Rene (Online) ; 21: 43167, 2020. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1087328


Objetivo: identificar a realização de atividades congruentes com os padrões de qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem por enfermeiros especialistas em enfermagem médico-cirúrgica, no contexto hospitalar. Métodos: estudo descritivo, concretizado em 36 hospitais, no qual participaram 259 enfermeiros especialistas em enfermagem médico-cirúrgica. Para coleta de dados, usou-se de questionário, posteriormente analisado por meio de estatística descritiva. Resultados: os enfermeiros participantes avaliaram com melhores escores as atividades relativas às dimensões responsabilidade e rigor, satisfação do cliente e prevenção de complicações; e com menores escores, as atividades integradas nas dimensões promoção da saúde, readaptação funcional e bem-estar e autocuidado. Conclusão: embora os achados evidenciem atuação dos enfermeiros especialistas na área de enfermagem médico-cirúrgica que tende a ser coerente com os padrões de qualidade, sinalizaram-se lacunas no exercício profissional e potencialidades que podem subsidiar o processo de qualificação desses profissionais, alertar os gestores e qualificar a assistência de enfermagem. (

Objective: to identify the performance of activities con-gruent with the quality standards of nursing care by expert nurses in medical-surgical nursing, in the hospital context. Methods: a descriptive study, carried out in 36 hospitals, in which 259 nurses specialized in medical-surgical nursing participated. For data collection, a questionnaire was used, later analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: the par-ticipating nurses evaluated activities related to the dimen-sions of responsibility and rigor, customer satisfaction and prevention of complications with better scores; and with lo-wer scores, activities integrated in the dimensions of health promotion, functional readaptation and well-being and self--care. Conclusion: although the findings show the perfor-mance of expert nurses in the medical-surgical nursing area that tends to be consistent with quality standards, gaps in professional practice and potentialities that can support the qualification process of these professionals were signaled, alert managers and qualify nursing care

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Quality Assurance, Health Care , Medical-Surgical Nursing , Hospitals , Nursing Care , Portugal , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Self Care , Patient Satisfaction , Health Promotion , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 30: e-3012, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118030


Introdução: A prática do jejum pré-operatório se consolidou no século XX e prosseguiu praticamente inalterada até os anos 80, onde passou a ser reestruturada. Diante disso, o presente artigo tem o intuito de realizar uma revisão sobre o jejum pré operatório orientado na literatura comparando-o com o que é encontrado dentro da realidade brasileira. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo de revisão da literatura, de natureza exploratória, realizada por meio de pesquisa de artigos científicos, dissertações e teses disponíveis nas bases de dados online. Resultados: a American Society of Anesthesiologists desenvolveu a Task "Force on Preoperative Fasting" que estabelece para líquidos claros um jejum mínimo de 2 horas e para dieta leve de 6 horas. No Brasil, um estudo com 3.175 pacientes revelou que 46% deles jejuaram por um período superior a 12 horas. Discussão: Além de não aumentar a possibilidade de danos, observa-se que a redução do tempo de jejum pré-operatório está associada a benefícios no processo de recuperação do paciente. Dentre as causas para o jejum prolongado nas instituições de saúde do Brasil estão o atraso nas operações, a transferência de horário e de período ou o seu adiamento para o próximo dia. Conclusão: o aprimoramento do jejum pré-operatório é necessário, tendo como estratégia a melhor comunicação entre equipes médicas e de enfermagem e o paciente atendido nas instituições hospitalares. (AU)

Background: The practice of preoperative fasting was consolidated in the twentieth century and remained unchanged until the 1980s, when it was questioned. Therefore, the present article aims to review the preoperative fasting oriented in the literature comparing it with what is found in Brazilian reality. Methods: This is an exploratory literature review study, conducted through research of scientific articles, dissertations and theses available in online databases. Results: The American Society of Anesthesiologists has developed the Task Force on Preoperative Fasting, which establishes for clear liquids a minimum fasting of 2 hours and 6 hours for a light diet. In Brazil, a study with 3,175 patients revealed that 46% of them fasted for more than 12 hours. Discussion: In addition to not increasing the possibility of damage, it is observed that the reduction of preoperative fasting time is associated with benefits in patient's recovery process. Causes of prolonged fasting in Brazilian health institutions include delayed operations, changes on time and period, or postponement to the next day. Conclusions: the improvement of preoperative fasting is necessary, having as strategy a better communication between medical and nursing teams and the patients treated at hospitals. (AU)

Humans , Fasting , Preoperative Period , Physician-Patient Relations , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Time Factors , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control , Nurse-Patient Relations
Clinics ; 75: e1639, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101083


OBJECTIVES: The enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol recommends prevention of intraoperative hypothermia. However, the beneficial effect of maintaining normothermia after radical cystectomy has not been evaluated. This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of fluid warming nursing in elderly patients undergoing Da Vinci robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical cystectomy. METHODS: A total of 108 patients with bladder cancer scheduled to undergo DaVinci robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical cystectomy were recruited and randomly divided into the control group (n=55), which received a warming blanket (43°C) during the intraoperative period and the warming group (n=53), in which all intraoperative fluids were administered via a fluid warmer (41°C). The surgical data, body temperature, coagulation function indexes, and postoperative complications were compared between the two groups. RESULTS: Compared to the control group, the warming group had significantly less intraoperative transfusion (p=0.028) and shorter hospitalization days (p<0.05). During the entire intraoperative period (from 1 to 6h), body temperature was significantly higher in the warming group than in the control group. There were significant differences in preoperative fibrinogen level, white blood cell count, total bilirubin level, intraoperative lactose level, postoperative thrombin time (TT), and platelet count between the control and warming groups. Multivariate linear regression analysis demonstrated that TT was the only significant factor, suggesting that the warming group had a lower TT than the control group. CONCLUSION: Fluid warming nursing can effectively reduce transfusion requirement and hospitalization days, maintain intraoperative normothermia, and promote postoperative coagulation function in elderly patients undergoing Da Vinci robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical cystectomy.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Body Temperature/physiology , Cystectomy/methods , Laparoscopy , Robotic Surgical Procedures/methods , Intraoperative Care/methods , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Shivering/physiology , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/surgery , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/pathology , Intraoperative Period
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 82(4): 289-294, July-Aug. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019413


ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate whether training medical residents with the Eyesi® cataract surgery simulator reduces the occurrence of intraoperative complications. Methods: This was a retrospective study in which the first 10 phacoemulsification surgeries performed by two groups of second-year ophthalmology residents were evaluated, during 2014 and 2015. The first Group consisted of seven residents from 2014 who had not had previous training with the simulator. The second Group was formed of seven residents in 2015, who had completed the C-level (intermediate) training with the simulator before beginning surgery on patients. We then compared these two groups regarding the frequency of occurrence of the four main intraoperative surgical complications: posterior capsule rupture, aphakia, and nucleus fragment dislocation into the vitreous, and extracapsular conversion. Results: A total of 140 surgeries were performed, 70 by Group 1 and 70 by Group 2. The total number of complications was 19 (27.14%) in Group 1 and nine (12.86%) in Group 2, and this reduction was significant (p=0.031). Fourteen (20%) surgeries in Group 1 and seven (10%) in Group 2 had complications. The complications were 13 posterior capsule ruptures (18.57%) in Group 1 and seven (10%) in Group 2; three eyes had nucleus fragment dislocations (4.29%) in Group 1, but only one (1.43%) in Group 2; two extracapsular conversions (2.86%) occurred in Group 1 and one (1.43%) in Group 2; and there was one aphakia (1.43%) in Group 1. Conclusions: The training with the Eyesi® cataract surgery simulator significantly reduced the total number of intraoperative complications in the first 10 phacoemulsification cataract surgeries performed by ophthalmology residents.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar se o treinamento de residentes médicos com o simulador de cirurgia de catarata Eyesi® reduz a ocorrência de complicações intraoperatórias. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo em que foram avaliadas as primeiras 10 cirurgias de facoemulsificação realizadas por dois grupos de residentes de Oftalmologia do segundo ano, no período de 2014 a 2015. O primeiro Grupo foi formado por sete residentes de 2014 que não tiveram treinamento prévio no simulador. O segundo Grupo foi formado por sete residentes de 2015, que completaram o treinamento até o nível C (intermediário) no simulador antes de iniciar a cirurgia em pacientes. Em seguida, comparamos esses dois grupos em relação à frequência de ocorrência das quatro principais complicações cirúrgicas intraoperatórias: ruptura da cápsula posterior, afacia e deslocamento de fragmentos de núcleo para o vítreo e conversão para extracapsular. Resultados: Foram realizadas 140 cirurgias, sendo 70 pelo Grupo 1 e 70 pelo Grupo 2. O número total de complicações foi de 19 (27,14%) no Grupo 1 e nove (12,86%) no Grupo 2, e esta redução foi significativa (p=0,031). Quatorze (20%) cirurgias no Grupo 1 e sete (10%) no Grupo 2 tiveram complicações. As complicações foram 13 rupturas de cápsula posterior (18,57%) no Grupo 1 e sete (10%) no Grupo 2, três olhos com luxação de fragmento de núcleo para o vítreo (4,29%) no Grupo 1 e um (1,43%) no Grupo 2, duas conversões extracapsulares (2,86%) no Grupo 1 e uma (1,43%) no Grupo 2 e uma afacia (1,43%) no Grupo 1. Conclusões: O treinamento com o simulador de cirurgia de catarata Eyesi® reduziu significativamente o número total de complicações intraoperatórias nas primeiras 10 cirurgias de catarata por facoemulsificação realizadas por residentes de oftalmologia.

Humans , Phacoemulsification/education , Phacoemulsification/adverse effects , Simulation Training/methods , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control , Medical Staff, Hospital/education , Ophthalmology/education , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Internship and Residency/methods
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 34(2): 283-286, apr.-jun. 2019. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015992


Defeitos parciais de orelha podem ser tratados de diversas formas, dentre elas o fechamento primário, cicatrização por segunda intenção ou retalhos. Diversas opções técnicas foram descritas para a sua reconstrução de modo a manter o contorno natural da orelha, sem sacrificar tecido sadio ou alterar sua estética e função. Apresentamos neste artigo dois casos atendidos no Instituto do Câncer do Hospital de Base de São José do Rio Preto de reconstrução de defeitos condrocutâneos de orelha após ressecção de carcinoma basocelular em região central da orelha, com a confecção de retalho retroauricular ilhado transposto através de uma janela cartilaginosa e com o pedículo desepidermizado. Área doadora com fechamento primário. Tal procedimento constitui técnica segura, pois a região retroauricular é ricamente vascularizada, é de fácil execução, em único estágio e com resultado estético e funcional satisfatório.

Partial ear defects can be treated in several ways, including primary closure, healing by secondary intention, or flaps. Several surgical options have been described for reconstruction in order to maintain the natural contour of the ear, without sacrificing healthy tissues or changing the aesthetics and function. In this article, we present two cases of reconstruction of chondrocutaneous defects of the ear after resection of basal cell carcinoma in the central region of the ear, with the production of a retroauricular island flap transposed through a cartilaginous window with the de-epidermized pedicle. The donor area healed following a primary closure. This procedure can be performed in a single stage, yields satisfactory aesthetic and functional results, and is safe because the retroauricular region is richly vascularized.

Humans , Male , Adult , Aged , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Surgical Flaps/adverse effects , Ear Neoplasms/surgery , Carcinoma, Basal Cell/surgery , Carcinoma, Basal Cell/physiopathology , Plastic Surgery Procedures/adverse effects , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Ear Cartilage/abnormalities , Ear Cartilage/surgery , Ear Cartilage/growth & development , Ear Deformities, Acquired/surgery , Ear, External/anatomy & histology , Ear, External/abnormalities , Ear, External/surgery , Intraoperative Complications/surgery , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 82(2): 111-118, Mar.-Apr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-989391


ABSTRACT Purpose: To assess the efficacy of using a nonste­roidal anti-inflammatory drug preoperatively and of applying the re-dilation technique when necessary to minimize pupil size variation when comparing the degree of mydriasis before femtosecond laser pretreatment with that at the beginning of phacoemulsification. Methods: This retrospective study included patients who underwent cataract surgery using the LenSx (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX). Our routine dilating regimen with flurbiprofen, tropicamide, and phenylephrine was used. The re-dilation technique was applied on eyes that manifested with a pupillary diameter that was smaller than the programmed capsulotomy diameter after laser pretreatment. The technique consists of overcoming pupillary contraction by instilling tropicamide and phenylephrine before phacoemulsification. Pupil size was assessed before femtosecond laser application and at the beginning of phacoemulsification. Results: Seventy-five eyes (70 patients) were included. Nine (12%) eyes underwent the re-dilation technique. There was no significant difference in mean pupillary diameter and mean pupillary area between the two studied surgical time points (p=0.412 and 0.437, respectively). The overall pupillary area constriction was 2.4 mm2. Immediately before opening the wounds for phacoemulsification, none of the eyes presented with a pupillary diameter <5 mm, and 61 (85.3%) eyes had a pupillary diameter >6 mm. Conclusion: Preoperative administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and the re-dilation technique resulted in no significant pupil size variation in eyes that were pretreated with the femtosecond laser, when comparing the measurements made before the laser application and at the beginning of phacoemulsification. This approach can avoid the need to proceed with cataract extraction with a constricted pupil.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia do uso de anti-inflamatório não-esteróide no pré-operatório e aplicação da técnica de re-dilatação quando necessária para minimizar a variação do tamanho pupilar ao comparar o grau de midríase antes do tra­tamento com laser de femtosegundo no início da facoemulsificação. Métodos: Esse estudo retrospectivo incluiu pacientes que foram submetidos à cirurgia de catarata usando o LenSx (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX). Nosso regime de di­latação de rotina com flurbiprofeno, tropicamida e fenilefrina foi usado. A técnica de re-dilatação doi aplicada em olhos que se manifestaram com um diâmetro pupilar menor do que o diâmetro da capsulotomia programado após o pré-tratamento a laser. A técnica consiste em superar a contração pupilar pela instilação de tropicamida e fenilefrina antes da facoemulsificação. O tamanho pupilar foi avaliado antes da aplicação do laser de femtosegundo e no inicio da facoemulsificação. Resultados: Setenta e cinco olhos (70 pacientes) foram incluídos. Nove (12%) olhos foram submetidos à técnica de re-dilatação. Não houve diferença significativa no diâmetro pupilar médio e na área pupilar média entre os dois tempos cirúrgicos estudados (p=0,412 e 0,437, respectivamente). A constrição global da área pupilar foi de 2,4 mm2. Imediatamente antes de abrir as incisões para a facoemulsificação, nenhum dos olhos apresentava diâmetro pupilar <5 mm e 61 (85,3%) olhos apresentavam um diâmetro pupilar >6 mm. Conclusões: O administração pré-operatória de anti-inflamatório não-esteróide e da técnica de re-dilatação resultaram em uma variação significativa do tamanho pupilar em olhos que foram pré-tratados com laser de femtosegundo, comparando as medidas realizadas antes da aplicação do laser e no inicio da facoemulsificação. Essa abordagem pode evitar a necessidade de prosseguir com a extração da catarata com uma pupila contraída.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Miosis/prevention & control , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/therapeutic use , Flurbiprofen/therapeutic use , Phacoemulsification/methods , Lasers , Mydriatics/therapeutic use , Phenylephrine/therapeutic use , Tropicamide/therapeutic use , Miosis/etiology , Miosis/pathology , Pupil/drug effects , Retrospective Studies , Phacoemulsification/adverse effects , Laser Therapy/methods , Intraocular Pressure , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control
In. Graña Cruz, Diego Carlos; Chiarella Argenizo, Marcelo E; Goñi Bentancur, Mabel Beatriz. Manejo de la patología médica en el perioperatorio: rol del internista. Montevideo, Cuadrado, 2019. p.13-23, tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1524863
Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 40(spe): e20180218, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1004110


Resumo OBJETIVO Descrever a implantação do protocolo de termorregulação para procedimentos cirúrgicos em recém-nascido (RN). MÉTODOS Relato de experiência, realizado em uma unidade neonatal em Salvador-BA, no período de janeiro de 2016 a janeiro 2017. O ciclo Plan, Do, Check, Action norteou a construção, a implantação e a aplicabilidade do protocolo. RESULTADOS Implantação do protocolo que possibilitou a redução de eventos adversos por instabilidade térmica durante procedimentos cirúrgicos e introdução de novas tecnologias. CONCLUSÃO O protocolo possibilitou a melhoria e o fortalecimento das práticas assistenciais relacionadas com a cirurgia segura em RN.

Resumen OBJETIVO Describir la implementación del protocolo de termorregulación para procedimientos quirúrgicos en recién nacido (RN). MÉTODOS Relato de experiencia, realizado en una unidad neonatal en Salvador-BA, en el período de enero de 2016 a enero de 2017. El ciclo Plan, Do, Check, Action orientó la construcción, la implementación y la aplicabilidad del protocolo. RESULTADOS Se pudo implementar el protocolo que permitió reducir eventos adversos por inestabilidad térmica durante procedimientos quirúrgicos y se introdujo nuevas tecnologías. CONCLUSIÓN El protocolo permitió una mejora y un fortalecimiento de las prácticas asistenciales, relacionadas con la cirugía segura en RN.

Abstract OBJECTIVE To describe the thermoregulation protocol implementation for newborns (NB). METHODS An experimental report, conducted at a neonatal unit in Salvador, Bahia, from January 2016 to January 2017. The Plan, Do, Check, Action cycle guided the construction, implementation and applicability of the protocol. RESULTS Implementation of the protocol that allowed the reduction of adverse events due to thermal instability during surgical procedures and introduction of new technologies. CONCLUSION The protocol could improve and strengthen the care practices related to safe surgery in newborns.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Clinical Protocols , Perioperative Care/methods , Fever/prevention & control , Hypothermia/prevention & control , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control , Practice Guidelines as Topic
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 35(3): 95-101, 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116407


Debido al acelerado envejecimiento de la población, cada vez es mayor la cantidad de usuarios portado-res de dispositivos electrónicos cardíacos implan-tables (DECI). Muchos de estos pacientes se verán enfrentados a procedimientos dermatológicos que con frecuencia utilizan equipos de electrocirugía. Es-tos tienen riesgo potencial de producir interferencias electromagnéticas (IEM), y por lo tanto alterar el fun-cionamiento de estos dispositivos. Si bien no todos los DECI tienen las mismas características, las nuevas tec-nologías de estos dispositivos han disminuido, aunque no eliminado completamente, el riesgo de IEM. Este artículo tiene como propósito revisar el tema y recopilar las recomendaciones generales que todo dermatólogo debe conocer tanto en la fase preoperatoria, intraoperatoria, como postoperatoria al utilizar equipos de electrocirugía en un paciente con DECI.

Due to the accelerated population aging, an increa-sing number of users is carrying cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs). Many of these patients will face dermatological procedures that often use electrosurgical equipment. The latter has the poten-tial to produce electromagnetic interference (EMI), and therefore alter the operation of these devices. While not all CIEDs have the same characteristics, new technologies for these devices have decreased if not eliminated completely the risk of EMI.The purpose of this article is to review CIED topic and compile general recommendations that every dermatologist should be aware of, both in the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases when using electrosurgery equipment in a patient with CIED.

Humans , Pacemaker, Artificial , Defibrillators, Implantable , Electromagnetic Fields/adverse effects , Electrosurgery/methods , Dermatologic Surgical Procedures , Postoperative Care , Preoperative Care , Heart-Assist Devices , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 77(4): 180-183, jul.-ago. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-959097


Abstract Purpose: To describe the use of compressive suture (CS) in the prevention and management of adverse events associated with glaucoma surgery. Methods: This was a descriptive, retrospective study based on information retrieved from the records of patients submitted to glaucoma surgery between 1999 and 2012 at a regional main public hospital and at a private ophthalmology clinic belonging to one of the authors. Only cases with adverse events treated with CS were eligible. Results: Compressive suture was successfully used to improve the closure of the anterior and/or lateral edge of the conjunctival flap, to limit the downward extension of filtering blebs, to prevent excessive filtration from the scleral flap edge in cases of difficult closure with conventional suture, and in patients submitted to trabeculotomy-trabeculectomy. Conclusion: Safe, low-cost and easy to perform, compressive suture is a useful tool for the prevention and management of adverse events associated with glaucoma surgery.

Resumo Objetivo: Descrever o uso de sutura compressiva (SC) na prevenção e no manejo de complicações associadas à cirurgia antiglaucomatosa. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, baseado em informações obtidas dos registros de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de glaucoma entre 1999 e 2012 em um hospital público de referência regional e em uma clínica oftalmológica privada de um dos autores. Somente casos com eventos adversos tratados com SC foram selecionados. Resultados: A SC foi usada com sucesso para proporcionar melhor vedação nas bordas anterior e/ou lateral do retalho conjuntival, para limitar a extensão descendente das bolhas filtrantes, para evitar a filtração excessiva da borda do retalho escleral em casos de fechamento difícil pela sutura convencional, e em pacientes submetidos à trabeculotomia - trabeculectomia. Conclusão: Trata-se de um procedimento de fácil realização, seguro e de baixo custo, bastante útil na abordagem de intercorrências e complicações durante a cirurgia antiglaucomatosa.

Humans , Trabeculectomy/adverse effects , Glaucoma/surgery , Suture Techniques , Filtering Surgery/adverse effects , Trabeculectomy/methods , Medical Records , Retrospective Studies , Intraoperative Complications/prevention & control